Biodiversity Workshop

Biodiversity is vital in the fight against climate change. Fortunately, we have proper laws to conserve our biodiversity. But unfortunately, these laws are widely ignored. Grassroute plans to raise public awareness on how to use these laws effectively and force the authorities not to ignore it. Based on these objectives, Grassroute organises a half-day workshop on Saturday, 21st May 2022 at Nayarambalam Panchayath Hall.


An analysis of the Biological Diversity Act 2002 on Biodiversity Day 2022.

It was this day Grassroute was waiting since its inception. The Biodiversity Workshop has been successfully done. The session was brief and informative. It gave a ray of light on BDA and how it designed to protect our biodiversity. But the general feeling was that, neither the Biodiversity Act 2002 nor the Annual Biodiversity Day protect our biodiversity; each one of us keep our vigil to save it.


Organizing a curtain-raiser for Biodiversity Day 2022

Biodiversity is vital in the fight against climate change. Fortunately we have proper laws to conserve our biodiversity. But unfortunately, these laws are widely ignored. Grassroute plans to raise public awareness on how to use these laws effectively and force the authorities not to ignore it. Based on these objectives, Grassroute plans to organize a half-day workshop on Saturday, 21st May 2022 at Nayarambalam.